January 9, 2018

100 Aircraft and Beyond

January 09, 2018

100 Aircraft and Beyond

Since 1999, Jet Linx has been on a journey to provide the best customer service experience in the industry – a commitment that has led us to achieve an industry milestone of over 100 aircraft under management today. This past summer, our team celebrated this monumental achievement and looked ahead to the future – for this is only the beginningĀ of many milestones to come.


Jamie Walker, President and CEO of Jet Linx Aviation, noted that eclipsing 100 aircraft in fleet is the result of sound business practices and a team confident in the services Jet Linx provides – one driven by individual, personalized service for each and every client. “Our goal is to support the needs of each individual aircraft owner and their mission profile,” Walker said. “It’s a partnership between us and each individual aircraft owner.”

Growth across the company has continued since it’s inception in 1999. The company, founded in Omaha, has since added 13 additional Base locations throughout the Midwest and Texas – and is actively working to open new markets both on the East and West coasts in 2018. The company plans to have a domestic footprint of 25 Base locations across the U.S. by the end of 2020.

“We are always on the path of growth and expansion,” noted Walker. But for Jet Linx, any expansion goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to service. “We see value in taking care of our current clients and transforming those clients into long term partners. Like any company, we like to see our numbers grow – but we find the greatest satisfaction in the relationships that such growth makes possible.”

The locally-focused Jet Linx model allows Base teams to determine the pulse of the marketplace in the most direct way possible – through personal, one-on-one interactions with each Jet Card client and Aircraft Owner. “No other company – our size or larger – is able to personally interface with the aircraft owner or Jet Card client like Jet Linx does on a trip-by-trip basis,” Walker said. “We literally meet and greet every flight on the ramp at our 14 Base locations across the U.S., where we are able to acutely listen to the perspectives and needs of the two client groups on a daily basis.”

Jet Linx currently averages over 65 flights per day, translating to over 24,000 in-person ramp meetings with clients thus far in 2017 alone. “No one knows their clients better than we do, which is why we continue to grow and achieve industry milestones like 100 aircraft under management – we pro-actively understand and anticipate the needs of our clients and then deliver accordingly,” reflected Walker.

Walker attributes the growth in fleet to a careful balance between bringing on aircraft and assessing fleet and client needs. “It is important to emphasize that it’s not just about the number of aircraft in our fleet, but achieving a balance that ensures we bring on the right aircraft at the right time, based upon the number of Jet Card members and their personal travel needs,” he commented. “This ensures the best return on investment for both the aircraft owner and the card holder.” Jet Linx anticipates adding close to 40 additional aircraft to the fleet by the end of 2017, enabling the company to comfortably support an additional 300 Jet Card clients with its trademark customer service.

For Jet Linx team members and clients, the future – one guided by a history of service and safety – looks bright. “We have numerous goals for the company, but none more important than maintaining the safest, the finest and most reliable operation for our team members and clients,” Walker said.

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