August 24, 2015

Inside Jet Linx with Jeff Puckett, Denver Private Jet Base Partner

August 24, 2015

Inside Jet Linx with Jeff Puckett, Denver Private Jet Base Partner


Aviation runs deep in the life story of Jeff Puckett, Base Partner and CEO of Jet Linx Denver. Puckett, a member of the Jet Linx family since 2010, is a competitive, award winning aerobatic pilot, and a man committed to using his love of flight to better the world around him.

private-jet-jeff-puckettOn Monday mornings, Puckett sets aside several hours to pilot his Bell 407 helicopter for his personal ministry called “Prayer One.” He provides helicopter rides over Denver to ministry leaders to encourage inter faith work in the region. To date, he has flown over six thousand community and religious leaders and has made a lasting, positive impact on the city where he grew up.

Puckett is a 2012 “Living Legends of Aviation” Inductee, an honor given to aviation entrepreneurs, innovators, record breakers, industry leaders, astronauts and pilots. Other notable inductees include Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, Bob Hoover, Neil Armstrong, John Travolta and Gene Cernan.

When asked about leading the team at Jet Linx Denver, Puckett is quick to point out the joy that comes from working with “a team of self starters who are customer oriented and feel truly invested in their company and the client experience.”

For more information on Prayer One, visit their Facebook page.

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