March 3, 2015

Catching Up with Our Cover Girl!

March 03, 2015

Catching Up with Our Cover Girl!


The Jet Linx private jet family was thrilled to share the story of Amelia Rose Earhart on the cover of our Winter edition of SOAR magazine. Amelia is an inspiration to women in aviation, and her passion for the industry is infectious. We caught up with Amelia on her return from the South Pacific, where she was putting finishing touches on her book. Check out what she has been up to since the publication of SOAR, and photos from her latest adventures below!  

When I saw the cover of SOAR Magazine, my jaw dropped and my heart was filled with genuine gratitude for the opportunity to be featured in your publication. Honored doesn’t even begin to cover the feeling I had when I opened the glossy mag to see the beautiful layout and the first ever sneak peek at my book about the flight around the world.

Seeing the excerpt in print was such a spark and catalyst for my writing, that I decided to put a final wrap on the project in a unique and worldly way. In February, I returned to the South Pacific, to the tiny Island of Namotu to complete the book. The reason I travelled to such a far away place is because I wanted to be reminded of the smells, sights, and sounds of the South Pacific as I poured my words onto the page. The island is not much bigger than a football field and seemed to hold a lot of the same magic as Amelia’s 1937 journey. As I sat watching the waves crash on the white shell scattered beaches, vibrant sunsets put a cap on each inspired day and continually reminded me of why we chase. I left my heart on that flight around the world, and I left my ideas on the pages as I soaked in the magic of aviation in the middle of nowhere.

Thank you for featuring my story. My hope is that others are sparked to dream up and execute their own goals, in aviation and beyond. Let us be the ones who decide to stop staring at photos of the places that we want to visit and instead, be the people in the photos, exploring the world.

Amelia Rose Earhart


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