November 5, 2014

Mo to Grow: Jet Linx Private Jet Aviation Joins Movember Movement

November 05, 2014

Mo to Grow: Jet Linx Private Jet Aviation Joins Movember Movement

Things are starting to get a little hairy around the Jet Linx office! While tending to our clients’ private jet card needs, some of our staff have put down their razors to participate in Movember by growing moustaches in support of men’s health issues.

charter-movember-nick-johnsonMovember was founded in Australia in 2003, and today has support in over 20 countries. Nick Johnson, Jet Linx Fleet Utilization Manager, has headed up the Jet Linx team ‘Supply the Stache,’ and has a dozen team members enrolled to date. “I expect us to end up with 20-30 members on the team,” said Johnson.

The vision of Movember – “to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health” – strikes a chord with Johnson. “My grandpa had a very aggressive form of prostate cancer, which is one of the main causes the Movember Foundation donates funds to. It looked like he beat the cancer once, but it came back very quickly and unfortunately it spread to the point where there was nothing anyone could do. My grandpa had been through some really tough medical things earlier in his life, but was still the most positive and caring old grandpa one could hope for.”

Johnson is joining the Movember movement for the second year. “I decided to join Movember last year and grow my first mustache on whim, and people still talk about it to this day. It was one short month of some good laughs and funny pictures, but it truly works to raise money,” he said. The Movember Foundation raises funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.

“Movember raised tens of millions of dollars last year alone and almost all of it goes to the exact doctors and researchers who need it most to help make advances with men’s health issues. At the very least, your facial hair will make your life more interesting for a short time,” added Johnson.

Men can join the Movember cause as ‘Mo Bros’ – growing a moustache and raising funds, while starting conversations about men’s health issues. Women can join as ‘Mo Sistas’ with everything but the moustache.

Learn more about the issues facing men’s health. The Movember Foundation’s website states:

  • Around 15 million American adults will be diagnosed with depression annually
  • 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
  • Men are 24% less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year

Support Supply the Stache – or join the team here.


A few of the Jet Linx Mo Bros: Ben Kroese, Beau Linn, Nick Johnson, Grant Gargett and Josh Carstensen.

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