September 30, 2014

Jet Linx Omaha Provides Private Jet Service with New Addition to Fleet

September 30, 2014

Jet Linx Omaha Provides Private Jet Service with New Addition to Fleet


Since 1999, Jet Linx has proudly served the private aviation needs of the Omaha community, through private jet management, jet cards and fractional jet ownership. This year, Omaha again expanded its fleet, adding a ninth aircraft.

The continued growth of the Omaha fleet – especially over the last two years – has spurred a fresh wave of excitement at the Base, according to Dan Longo, Jet Linx Omaha Base President. “Each department at the base level has been able to add staff and increase productivity because of the number of aircraft,” Longo said. “A positive energy is everywhere.”

The increasing depth of the Omaha fleet speaks to the appeal of the Jet Linx business model in the community. “The growth of our fleet truly demonstrates to our staff, clients and the community the strength of our company and our operations in general,” Longo stated.

There is no sign of the Base slowing down. Longo, with the company since 2010, noted, “The interest in jet ownership has not been stronger since I joined Jet Linx. We have a strong pipeline of interested parties looking to acquire aircraft in the next 12 months.”

Our first base looks forward to continued success. “Without question, Jet Linx in Omaha is the private jet company of choice in our area,” Longo said. “Our competitive pricing, exceptional safety, and local, 24-hour client services team make us the standout private jet company in the community.”

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