August 3, 2020

My Home Base – Jalene Castro, Jet Linx San Antonio

August 03, 2020

My Home Base – Jalene Castro, Jet Linx San Antonio

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Jalene Castro, Jet Linx San Antonio Personal Flight Concierge.


Favorite part of your job: My favorite part about my job is the client interactions we take part in. With over a hundred clients in San Antonio, Lauren (a fellow Personal Flight Concierge) and I are close with every single one of them. We get to celebrate the good times, the tough times, and the uncertain times with our clients as well as their family members. They trust us as part of their own.

Describe the Jet Linx team in one word: Although I have already worked for Jet Linx for two years, I would describe the Jet Linx team as “family” since day one. No matter how long you have worked here, you are family from the start, and that is very comforting.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: My favorite Jet Linx experience was the initial hiring training. To be able to visit Omaha, have hands-on training with every aspect of the company and meet team members from other departments and Bases was just an awesome experience.

Favorite thing about San Antonio: My favorite thing about San Antonio is the close-knit community and diversity of people. Being Military City USA, we have influences from all over the world!

Little known fact about yourself, or favorite hobby: A little-known fact about myself is that I spoke fluent Japanese in my elementary years. My favorite hobby is crafting, anything and everything crafts, I am a big DIYer’ love seeing things and making them on my own.

What someone find surprising about your job: Someone might find it surprising that you do not have to have a background in aviation to be able to succeed in Jet Linx. I think some people might be nervous not having a background in aviation, but take the chance, shoot for the stars, and never second guess what you can achieve!

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