March 15, 2016

Jet Linx Omaha named “Best of B2B” Corporate Jets

March 15, 2016

Jet Linx Omaha named “Best of B2B” Corporate Jets

Jet Linx Omaha was recognized for the third year in a row as the recipient of Omaha Magazine’s Best of B2B for Corporate Jet Services. The award recognizes businesses with superior business skills, services and products, and is organized by B2B Omaha magazine.

private-jet-omaha-best-of-b2b-corporate-jetsThe Jet Linx Omaha team was thrilled to receive the award. “It’s a great compliment to receive this award and recognition from our members, owners and partners in the community. We are very grateful,” said Dan Longo, Jet Linx Omaha Base President. The award is prestigious in the Omaha market. “Best of B2B is becoming one of Omaha’s top Business to Business recognition programs,” said Gil Cohen, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Omaha Magazine. “The ballot must be completed by hand with the original mailed to a CPA firm for compilation of votes. It is evident that businesses recognized by their peers take extreme pride in this recognition.”

Jet Linx Omaha stands out among area private jet providers. “We are the only operator in the Omaha area with a true focus on a local, home-based operation. Our team is dedicated to providing our Aircraft Owners and Jet Card members with the highest quality of service from start to finish,” said Ashley Way, Jet Linx Omaha General Manager. Involvement in the community is important to the team. “At the local base, we participate in a variety of events and organizations throughout the year through sponsorship and volunteering,” Longo explained. “All employees are encouraged to volunteer their time and talents to charitable organizations that follow the Jet Linx core values of integrity, compassion, selflessness, dedication, and enthusiasm.”

Way credits the Jet Linx core values as a reason other Omaha businesses trust Jet Linx, and why they would honor the Jet Linx Omaha team with their votes. “Our ‘Supply the High’ mantra and core values extend far beyond our internal teams – we strive for our clients to experience this ‘high’ in every interaction they have with our team members,” she said.

The team has continuously worked to build relationships through the Omaha metro. “Since Jet Linx was founded in Omaha in 1999, we have been working on building local relationships and continuously preserving those that we already have,” Way noted. “We truly believe that our steadfast commitment to safety and creating memorable experiences has led many businesses to place their trust in us for many years and to recognize us for this award.”

“Business owners get it—it’s a contest where businesses recognize businesses. It’s great that so many take the time to vote to give that recognition,” said Todd Lemke, B2B Omaha Publisher. “We feel like they’re taking more care of us than just calling an 800-number and reserving a plane with one of the bigger providers,” said Bill Gerber, Chief Financial Officer of TD Ameritrade and Jet Linx Omaha client. “When you break the cost down to the people that you’re moving across the country, the efficiency with having that done all together, the work that’s actually done on the plane that everybody can do together — the cost becomes a completely moot point.”

Gerber highlighted the benefits of Jet Linx that can’t be tallied on a balance sheet. “I think what people don’t take enough stock in is the fact of how much it’s costing you to have your executives sitting on a commercial airline, not being able to do anything,” he noted. “And when they get home at 11 o’clock at night and they’re exhausted the next day, and all that stress and strain is removed [with Jet Linx]. And that has a cost to it, that I think it’s not a dollars and cents aspect, but certainly from an efficiency aspect. And all of that is removed when you get on the Jet Linx experience.”

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