August 10, 2017

Riding to Beat Cancer

August 10, 2017

Riding to Beat Cancer

Jet Linx Indianapolis Client Services Specialist Cara Ratay and her husband Chris along their Pelotonia route.

Sporting her Jet Linx hat, Jet Linx Client Services Specialist Cara Ratay and her husband participated in Pelotonia over the weekend of August 5 in Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 2008, Pelotonia is a grassroots 45-mile bike ride dedicated to one goal – ending cancer. Every dollar raised by the event, both by sponsors and riders, goes directly to fund cancer research at the Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center, an institution that includes the James Cancer Center Hospital and Solove Research Institute.

“My husband, Chris, works for a hotel that is owned by Rockbridge, an asset management company based in Columbus and one of the many corporate sponsors that organize a team to ride in Pelotonia. That is how we got involved,” explained Ratay. “Rockbridge hosted a leadership forum on the day before the ride and one of the speakers was the director of the hospital, who spoke about the treatments that are now being used thanks to donations from Pelotonia and the success stories of people who have beat cancer – it was truly inspiring!”

Ratay enjoying a much-deserved meal after her 45-mile ride

“Last year, Chris rode in the 25-mile course, and this year we did the 45-mile course together – raising over $3,500!” The 45-mile route ended in New Albany, OH, where Ratay and her husband were welcomed with a catered lunch and fresh beer to wind down after the ride!

This year to date, with over 8,000 riders participating in the rides, Pelotonia has raised a staggering $15 million dollars towards cancer research. You can check out the organization and the event on their website.


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