June 12, 2014

Beat the Heat, High, and Heavy: Improving private jet fuel efficiency in summer travels

June 12, 2014

Beat the Heat, High, and Heavy: Improving private jet fuel efficiency in summer travels

Summer is the time when adventure welcomes lighter layers of clothing, open sunroofs and the freedom of flight. A time when travelers can run out the door without first having to stop and assemble their protective winter shell against the wind chills and multiple feet of snow.

‘High, Hot and Heavy’ is shorthand for the conditions that affect private jet travel in the summer. High altitudes, hot temperatures and heavy payloads all affect the performance of jets, particularly in the summer months. These factors combined may prompt a fuel stop on a trip that otherwise would not be required. “Knowing about the likelihood of a fuel stop in the summer helps clients better manage expectations. Nobody likes surprises,” according to Carla White, Senior Client Service Specialist. “We are here to ensure there aren’t any!”

There are a few strategies Jet Linx travelers can use to reduce the frequency of fueling stops among their routes. Every pound counts in jet travel. Be mindful of how much you are taking with you on your jet – strategic packing strategies like packing lighter and using soft-sided bags can add to the jet’s ability to use less fuel. Another strategy to reduce the overall payload is to ship larger items to the destination ahead of arrival time. Jet Linx has already taken steps in the same direction. “We were among the first private jet companies to introduce a ‘paperless flight deck,’ which subtracted forty pounds of weight from the flight deck,” according to Jamie Walker, president and CEO.

A little known way for travelers to decrease the chance of re-fueling during a trip is to “pick a departure time in the early morning hours, when temperatures are cooler,” according to Missy Kemp, Client Service and Training Manager.

Total passenger count can also take a toll on the jet’s performance; fewer people and bags on board will improve the jet’s performance. If Jet Linx clients are interested in traveling non-stop to their destination with many passengers, a larger jet such as a Midsize or Super Midsize would better meet their needs.  Jet Linx offers clients the ultimate freedom of flight through flexible Jet Card options. Every trip is unique and requires a different strategy to have the most pleasant and enjoyable private jet experience. Contact your Client Service Specialist to handle any questions about your trip.

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