September 8, 2014

Beyond Private Jet Charter: Take off with a Jet Card

September 08, 2014

Beyond Private Jet Charter: Take off with a Jet Card

When you fly with a private jet card, you have a travel partner, not just a travel provider.

The differences between private jet charter service and a jet card might not seem big at first, but they can have a huge impact. Jet Linx Scottsdale Director of Sales Jon Gilbert explores five reasons to partner with Jet Linx’s Jet Card program over a charter provider.

private-jet-charter-director-of-sales-jon-gilbert1. Safety first: Private jet charter operators do not typically achieve or maintain the highest safety records like most jet card programs. Make sure that safety is a priority of the company you choose, and that the company has third-party achievements and internal processes to verify dedication to safety. Jet Linx has achieved ARGUS Platinum status (the highest safety rating) and is a certified Wyvern Wingman.

2. The price is right: Pricing for Jet Card clients is consistent; with charter, you’re playing roulette with each trip. When chartering, costs can fluctuate from trip to trip based on a variety of factors, from aircraft availability, broker fees or management agreement specifics pertaining to the owner of the airplane. With a jet card, you know what you are paying for, per hour, each time. Jet Linx has the most cost-effective rate, partially because we have a one-way rate: we don’t charge for the empty leg of the flight. Why should you have to pay when you aren’t flying?

3. Your personal needs aren’t being met: Can the company you choose meet your needs and preferences when flying? A private jet charter company doing one-off flights might not be able to accommodate things such as specific beverages on board, short notice trips, pets or even supplying a different size aircraft if you require it. With the Jet Linx Latitude or Longitude Jet Card, the customer can always choose whatever size aircraft they want/need for the mission.

4. Timely takeoff: Regardless of charter or jet card, an operator should provide on-time departures, or communicate any delays or potential weather issues. You want to fly on your schedule, not the operator’s. We make every effort for this to be our clients’ reality.

5. Get it in writing: Neither party’s responsibilities are outlined in a charter agreement, other than payment. A jet card agreement not only details pricing, but what specifically the operator can and will do for the client. Using Jet Linx, a high touch service provider, will ensure that every aspect of the trip is cared for.

When deciding whether to fly charter or with a jet card, the decision is simple. When you have a Jet Linx Jet Card, we will partner with you to make sure all your needs are met, from on-flight refreshments to behind-the-scenes safety details, so you can take off with ease.

Jon Gilbert is Director of Sales for Jet Linx Scottsdale. You can reach Jon at or 480-686-9561.

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