June 18, 2014

Bring I.D. for summer private jet travel

June 18, 2014

Bring I.D. for summer private jet travel

charter-jet-service-trainingThere are countless ways in which Jet Linx’s private jet travel is superior to other modes of getting from Point A to Point B:

-Clients are able to board their jet without waiting in multiple lines

-Clients avoid taking their shoes off

-Clients skip going through a full body scanner

-Clients side-step experiencing a pat down from a friendly TSA agent.

In addition to these positives, Jet Linx clients have the added and indispensable benefit of their Client Services Specialist assisting them at every step of their jet travel.

Despite these clear differences, there are some rules and guidelines that impact all modes of air travel, including the need to present a government issued photo identification when you fly. The same rule applies to carrying passports for international trips.

As a friendly reminder, Jet Linx clients must bring their government issued I.D. to every flight, as this is a TSA enforced requirement for all adult passengers. Note that children do not require an ID for domestic travel (only international flights).

“We remind our clients to bring along their government issued photo identification, there are unfortunately no exceptions to this rule, and clients cannot takeoff without these essential pieces of I.D.,” according to Missy Kemp, Client Service and Training Manager.

“There has been an instance of a client not being able to board because they didn’t have their proper identification – we want to avoid all inconveniences and eliminate potential problems for our clients,” Kemp said.

If clients have any questions or concerns regarding acceptable forms of government issued I.D.’s, please feel free to contact our dedicated Client Service Specialists.

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