Feel at Home: Jet Linx Joint Ownership
When you own an aircraft, you feel at home. Joint ownership from Jet Linx offers the lowest net-cost option for aircraft ownership and the enviable sense of complete comfort.
Jet Linx strives to offer private aviation solutions that meet the individual needs of our clients. Our industry-leading Jet Card programs and aircraft management solutions have proven successful to a wide range of clientele, with innovations over the last year – including Complete Aircraft Transaction – offering a new and different value to the aircraft owner.
In April 2021, Jet Linx launched an additional aircraft-centric service – managed Joint Ownership. This program is designed to make aircraft ownership more accessible and affordable by offering a 50% ownership position in a private jet, while removing many of the complexities of purchasing a jet. As the lowest net-cost option for ownership, you can own the skies for half the cost.
The supervised structure offered by Jet Linx protects from the risks of informal partnerships while providing access comparable to sole ownership. With Joint Ownership, each party pays for half of the acquisition and fixed costs. Owners also benefit from revenue generation through the Jet Linx Jet Card program, helping to offset the cost of ownership.
“When you own an aircraft, you feel at home,” explained Ron Silverman, Jet Linx Chief Commercial Officer. “Aircraft owners experience a greater level of comfort and consistency and this translates to a superior experience, especially with Jet Linx managing the partnership and the asset.”
Joint aircraft ownership is as simple as it sounds – but more complex in practice – which is why few operators or aircraft owners successfully execute the idea. Informal arrangements, and even formally-managed arrangements for shared ownership, can be prone to conflict unless properly supervised.
Unlike fractional jet ownership, where the asset is divided into 16 different owners, our program serves only two owners per aircraft. Jet Linx first sources an aircraft and facilitates the purchase between two partners. Jet Linx then manages both the aircraft and the relationship between owners, leveraging our extensive experience in whole aircraft ownership and management.
“This concept offers a simple but powerful platform to own an aircraft,” Silverman added, “lowering many of the traditional barriers that prevent people from sole aircraft ownership. We’ve seen a recent trend towards shared ownership due to the reduction in carrying costs. The problem is that very few operators currently offer a product like this, and even fewer have the infrastructure to ensure such a program is effective. Jet Linx has the scope and structure to effectively manage jointly-owned jet assets.”
Jet Linx pairs two parties with similar needs in one of our 19 markets nationwide, sources an appropriate aircraft, and then sells each owner a 50% interest in a private jet. If you already own an aircraft and want to enter the program, we can also facilitate the sale of half of your asset. Both owners also receive a complimentary Jet Card as guaranteed backup if the aircraft is unavailable due to maintenance, owner usage, or charter.
Another major benefit of the program is the ability to offset the expense of ownership through charter revenue when the aircraft is idle or transient for owner trips – which is not plausible with fractional ownership. Both owners have the ability to accept or deny charter authorization, as well as reclaim the aircraft after it has been released for charter. Owners pay a minimal hourly rate to cover direct operating costs for fuel and maintenance, as well as a nominal monthly management fee for coordinating the use of the aircraft. Other fixed expenses, such as hangar, pilot salaries and insurance are split between owners.
“Not only do you pay half the price to own an aircraft, owners also receive revenue from Jet Card usage, cutting costs even further,” Silverman continued. “When you factor in Jet Linx’s ability to professionally manage aircraft, this new product offers an even deeper appeal.”
Jet Linx acts as a neutral third party to ensure a smooth, consistent experience. From selecting adequate partners, to crewing and scheduling, to offering discounts on maintenance and fuel -the Jet Linx Joint Ownership program offers the same benefits as sole ownership for half the price, and far greater access than fractional could allow.
“Joint aircraft ownership can work well for a range of people or businesses that currently use fractional ownership, jet card or charter. It’s also a good option for current aircraft owners that want to upgrade into a newer jet or a larger category without making a significant investment, as well as first-time owners that want to test the waters,” Silverman stated. “However, sometimes a reason to share ownership can come from changes in lifestyle, changes in business or changes in our rapidly-shifting economy.”
Professionally managed Joint Ownership with Jet Linx offers an attractive solution for those unsatisfied with fractional ownership, sole ownership or a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) partnership. Jet Linx offers a structure for title, usage and exit. You benefit from professional management and the lowest net cost of ownership, plus access to our fleet of 120+ aircraft via your complimentary Jet Linx Jet Card whenever your aircraft may be unavailable.
Co-ownership with Jet Linx becomes even more dynamic with our full-service private jet management program. With our teams taking care of all aspects of maintenance, inspections, crewing, training, accounting, and revenue generation, both owners enjoy the power of aircraft ownership made hassle-free. Support from local Base teams and powerful infrastructure from the National Operations Center creates a high-performance partnership.
The relationship is managed and nurtured at every juncture, from our local Base teams to support from our National Operations Center.
“We’re thrilled to introduce a new solution that allows individuals and companies to experience the benefits of private jet ownership without the requirements of whole aircraft ownership,” explained Jamie Walker, President and CEO of Jet Linx. “Our Joint Ownership program leverages our extensive experience in whole aircraft ownership and management and brings it to a much larger audience of prospective clients by removing half of the expense and risk of whole aircraft ownership, adding back what’s been missing from fractional ownership – the enjoyment of flying on your own aircraft with your own crew members.”
Contact Jet Linx today to start a conversation about the benefits of professionally-managed joint aircraft ownership.
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