June 25, 2020

Travel Wisely | Four Trends Shaping Luxury Travel in the New Normal

June 25, 2020

Travel Wisely | Four Trends Shaping Luxury Travel in the New Normal

The impacts of the pandemic have shaken the travel industry, replacing what was normal with a new normal.

Rapid change seems a constant in the world of private aviation, but 2020 continues to be an exceptional year. The global spread of COVID-19 swept the travel industry off its feet, forcing airlines, private jet companies and more to adapt and in some cases, close their doors. Jet Linx reacted swiftly to the onset of the pandemic, pivoting to meet the critical needs of customers through enhanced sanitation measures and changes to standard operating procedures that will carry in to the new normal.

While travel has resumed, it is undoubtedly a more complicated affair. An emphasis on health and wellness looks to be the definitive trend for all players in travel in 2020 and beyond.

Private jets are a key to travel in the new normal.

Private aviation is a key to travel in the new normal.

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