June 23, 2011

Jet Linx Private Jet Safety, Training & Compliance

June 23, 2011

Jet Linx Private Jet Safety, Training & Compliance

Jet Linx would like to recognize and thank Bruce Tuttle for establishing a world-class Safety Management System (SMS) for Jet Linx Aviation. He was assisted by Jet Linx Dallas Safety Manager Andy Brigman, Jet Linx Indianapolis’s John Nagy and the ARG/US PRISM System. Bruce will continue his efforts at Jet Linx teaching CRM, performing base audits and other quality management duties for our growing private jet company.

Bruce has begun the Crew Resource Management (CRM) classes for Omaha, Indianapolis, Dallas and Denver with Client Services, Flight Coordination and some of the base pilots. The remaining pilots will complete the course within the next few weeks. Participation thus far has been great with some very interesting conversations resulting in some great ideas and thoughts about Jet Linx policies and standards.

Jet Linx will begin a new Safety Award Program for further improvement to its private jet safety practices and procedures. Winners will be chosen for the best suggestion or idea that will better the Company’s approach to safety and will receive their award at each quarterly Safety Committee Meeting. Ideas can be submitted by using the HazRep form or the company suggestion form or just an email to your supervisor or Kari Johnson.

Preparation for the scheduled ARG/US and IS‐BAO audits in August continues. Jet Linx Captain Dave Schaben has been completing IS‐BAO protocols, which must be completed before the ARG/US audit can be completed. An internal audit will be performed at Jet Linx Aviation within the next two months.

The number of PRIMS HazRep forms being received at the Safety Desk is very encouraging and it is a good sign that the development of the safety culture continues to grow. Some employees are asking about signing on the PRISM website. If you have trouble with the log on, contact Kari Johnson or Bruce Tuttle and they will assist you.

Jet Linx Aviation is a locally-focused private jet company founded as a more personalized approach to the national private jet companies. Jet Linx offers two different private jet travel programs, Jet Card Membership and Aircraft Management. Jet Linx is an ARG/US Platinum safety rated operator, an award earned by less than 2% of private jet operators in the United States. Jet Linx is headquartered in Omaha, NE and has bases in Omaha, Indianapolis, Dallas and Denver as of today.

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