August 22, 2019

Six Last-Minute Labor Day Vacations

August 22, 2019

Six Last-Minute Labor Day Vacations

Labor Day weekend is everyone’s last chance to accomplish everything they had said they would over the summer: visit family, go to the beach, barbeque, or simply unwind. With time running out and vacancies filling at more popular holiday destinations, what should you do? If you’re a part of the Jet Linx Jet Card program, then you’re already way ahead of the game. Long lines at the airport are no problem for you – you only need a destination, and our Client Service Teams only need a few hours of notice to prepare your flight.

Popular getaways like Miami, Myrtle Beach, Las Vegas, and any beach town on the East Coast are going to be overrun for the long weekend. Below are some less-traveled destinations that are equally as unique and exciting compared to more run-of-the-mill Labor Day destinations.

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