October 30, 2019

Battling Cancer With Community

October 30, 2019

Battling Cancer With Community

Living Beyond Breast Cancer, a nonprofit that provides patients with a place to find community and support on a personal level, is a charity partner of The Tutu Project.

“We are a national nonprofit with the mission to connect people impacted by breast cancer with trusted information and a community of support,” said Jean Sachs, CEO of Living Beyond Breast Cancer. For Sachs, knowledge of breast cancer is the first step in fighting it and recovering. “We’re all about information and support. We have webinars, publications, and networking events designed to help women and men better understand their diagnosis, treatment options, how to manage side effects and how to live a better quality of life.”

Providing a supportive community is a secondary pillar of Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s mission. “When women feel less isolated, they feel empowered to take the next step. We have a hotline with trained volunteers and closed Facebook groups. We offer an ear for people going through this difficult disease. They should never feel alone in this fight.”

Through The Tutu Project, the Carey Foundation funds travel grants and financial assistance for Living Beyond Breast Cancer efforts. The money from travel grants is used to transport cancer patients to the nonprofit’s conferences. It helps to pay for travel, hotel rooms, and other necessities that make traveling with breast cancer a financial burden.

The Carey Foundation also provides funds for the Cis B. Golder Quality of Life Grant program that helps breast cancer patients pay for living expenses such as rent, utilities, car payments, and other necessities that aren’t covered by insurance. Cis Golder was a dedicated volunteer for Living Beyond Breast Cancer for more than a decade, and was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer three times. Despite the toll breast cancer took on her life, Golder remained positive and passionate about helping others – especially families without the means to get the help they needed during and after treatment. When she passed away in May 2006, her family, friends, and LBBC created the grant program to carry on her legacy.

“Bob and Linda have become amazing voices in the breast cancer community. Their story is so powerful and has connected so many people. For that, we could not be happier,” said Sachs. “Linda also went through our Hear My Voice program, which trains people on advocacy. We know she took those lessons and ran with them!”

The Carey Foundation also raises funds for Cancer Care, For Three Sisters, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Integrative Medicine, and The Breast Cancer Fundraiser.


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