January 4, 2017

Drive Yourself Happy

January 04, 2017

Drive Yourself Happy


If you don’t have a passion for cars and an unbridled love of the road, you need to meet Jet Linx San Antonio client and friend Jeff Mosing. The International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) race car driver and lifelong car enthusiast has a connection to motoring that is easily passed on in just a few stories from his world of classic cars and trackside action.

“I believe that driving has become a secondary interest and that people are only concerned and distracted with getting from  A to B, and not focusing on how cool all the in-between parts are,” Mosing explained. “My mantra is ‘Drive Yourself Happy.'” Mosing is so committed to that mantra that it is emblazoned on all of his race cars – his effort to remind fans that driving can be fun. “Take a look out the window and enjoy the ride,” he said.

Mosing serves as President & CEO of Mosing Motorcars, a dealership in Austin, Texas that is dedicated to offering the “most interesting and highest quality collectible vehicles and fine sportscars available.” Their website banner reflects Mosing’s deep connection to cars with the words, “Some of us have it in our blood,” in conjunction with a photo of a very young Mosing preparing to execute a turn – in his pedal car.

On the IMSA racing circuit, Mosing enjoys the opportunity to connect with fans through both the cars and his racing teams. “The cars we race are so close to production models, fans can really relate to them,” he noted. “Both of my teams, Murillo Racing for the Continental series and Topp Racing for the GT3 Cup series, are absolute top notch. Running with the right team makes the whole experience worth it. They just never give up.”

Mosing has enjoyed consistent success in IMSA racing, and at time of publication, sat third in the Street Tuner standings and sixth in the Porsche GT3 field. With this success has have come a host of special moments. Some celebrations really stand out, with Mosing noting a two-way tie for most notable track memories. “One being at my old home state racetrack in Louisiana – Grand Bayou Raceway – in 2005,” he reflected. “My mom who was still alive at the time, and my brother Brent watched as I achieved my first victory in Spec Miata against my good friend Stan Cosper. It was the first time I had any family member watch me compete.”

He points to Road Atlanta at the last IMSA Continental Tires Sports Car Challenge Race as another memorable moment. “We were in contention to win the Championship, and although we only finished 5th in the race, it was enough to take it all. Almost my entire family surprised me and flew up for it to be there!” he exclaimed. “I also won my first championship later that day in the Porsche GT3 Cup. Gold Masters category. So overall, that was quite a day!”

Like cars, family comes up often in conversation with Mosing. His brother, Brent, has also been involved in racing for the last decade. Since moving from Lafayette, LA to Austin, Texas in 2006, Mosing sees race weekends as a family reunion. “Because of racing, we get to see each other at least ten times during a year. That’s better than most families that live in separate towns,” he said. “It’s one of my favorite parts of racing – to be involved in it with my brother.”

All though he is semi-retired from the daily dealership grind, he sees no reason to slow down on the track. Getting behind the wheel of the Topp Racing No. 01 remains “the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life with my clothes on,” he jokes. “When I’m done racing professionally, I think I’ll explore Vintage Car Racing in the Monterey, Calif. area. It’s a great family environment that lets you stay connected to the sport.”

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