June 8, 2016

Helping Leaders Pave a Better Path

June 08, 2016

Helping Leaders Pave a Better Path

PathNorth founder Doug Holladay is passionate about connecting leaders with their higher calling, and with one another. Explore the world of PathNorth with Jet Linx!

Over five years ago, Doug Holladay, Steve Case, Sec. John Dalton and others created PathNorth to address a growing trend – leaders today are increasingly isolated and need to broaden their definitions of success. PathNorth is a non-profit that fosters conversations to create camaraderie and relieve isolation, proudly serving as a resource for business leaders to bring meaning, authenticity and a new perspective to both their work and their life. According to Holladay, the response to this goal has been heartening.

“What we are doing with PathNorth is more art than science,” Holladay noted. He is confident that the network of leaders PathNorth is creating are truly committed to creating a life where they think differently – more holistically – about success.

private-jet-doug-holladay-pathnorthHolladay has a long professional history of service and leadership, with a career blended in public service, finance and business, non-profit work, and more recently, teaching and journalism.

Holladay is a co-founder of Park Avenue Equity Partners, L.P. with offices in New York and Washington. The firm is a private equity fund that makes equity investments in operating companies with revenues between $50-350 million. He was also formerly a senior officer with the international investment banking firm, Goldman Sachs and Company. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Holladay held senior positions in both the White House and the Department of State. He has advised several Presidents and numerous corporate leaders and has provided public policy discussion and debate on national television. He also brings with him a belief in service, with a long list of Board, Council and Commission service. His diverse professional background and community involvement – and now, his role as professor at Georgetown University – fuel his passion for the picture of leader and company culture development at PathNorth.

This passion is particularly evident in the title of his Georgetown course – “The Life of Work: Bringing Meaning and Contribution to Business.” The Course description informs students of a lofty objective – to “explore the larger story of business, the ‘why’ and not just the ‘how’ of corporate life.”

“Google the Enron Code of Ethics,” he explained excitedly. “It’s the best you’ve ever read. But there is a madness out there in the corporate world where these things are just words – the ethos of a company needs to stand the test of if it is actually true.”

For Holladay and PathNorth, this speaks to building the right culture the right way, starting at the top. “Culture is what a company creates,” he says. “Young people looking for the right workplace want integrity in their employer, and an environment that encourages ideas and participation.” In that respect, people are drawn to work for, and to do business with, a place with good values and culture. “Living your values, moving beyond just words on a page, is in that sense good for business. Leaders drive that culture – it starts at the very top.”

The cornerstone of executing the PathNorth mission to build a tribe of connected leaders is the PathNorth Experience. These events are crafted to provide leaders with a connection to innovative ideas, extraordinary people, and incredibly authentic stories – all of which contribute to shaping better, deeper leaders, companies, and communities.

“At our events, we look for speakers that are accomplished leaders, top investors, CEOs, etc … but people who are also so humble, so aware of their humanity, and most importantly, not afraid to address their flaws,” Holladay explained. “They share honestly with our members. And we look for people that can testify to the setbacks in their life, and how they navigated pain and failure.”

The presentations from these speakers kick start conversations across the attendees. “We provide a safe table for leaders to look inward and address their own challenges and burdens … it builds an immense community of trust,” he said. Holladay and the PathNorth team believe the thing that connects us most earnestly with others is not our strengths, but rather our weaknesses. “In a PathNorth event, we make sure to address those weaknesses and allow truly strong bonds to form among our members.”

The honest approach of this philosophy caught the attention of Jamie Walker, Jet Linx Aviation President & CEO. Jet Linx was proud to sponsor the 2016 PathNorth Annual Gathering. “After meeting Doug, the opportunity to sponsor the gathering was an easy decision. His passion and vision for PathNorth is infectious and we’re honored to help support its future.”

The climate facing leaders today is one often marked by public distrust, and it results in a feeling of what Holladay describes as “a cycle of loneliness and isolation.” PathNorth members and speakers echo these sentiments. “This is a very tough climate for leaders. They are isolated and running companies on the defensive. Most need perspective and support yet are unclear where to find it,” said Gerry Roche, Senior Chairman, Heidrick & Struggles.

PathNorth members find that support with each other. Holladay and his team help members connect to reframe their perspective on business and their work. “We look at moving from success to significance, and to stay connected to your work as a higher calling.”

Holladay feels many leaders forget the value of their business leadership. “Your work IS a higher calling,” he urges with passion. “You employ people, and that is a good thing! Your commitment to your business allows others to earn an income. Business is absolutely a higher calling if framed the right way.” In this context, PathNorth members are encouraged to broaden their definition of success through focusing on the intangibles and the ways to “measure your life.”

Walker says the mission of the group is one that resonates. “PathNorth is challenging business leaders to find a definition of success past the boardroom – success in life, in every category measurement,” he noted. “This is a big idea, one that isn’t accomplished without complete honesty and transparency with one’s self. It’s sometimes uncomfortable and not easy to do, which is what draws me to it.”

Holladay has participants record this disruption and resulting revelations in an unusual way. “At our events, our guests write a letter to themselves that we mail to them a month following the event. This letter is to capture the ways in which they plan to create margin in their life, and to contribute to that broader view of success.” When the letter arrives a month later, it serves as either a confirmation of the leader’s continuing transformation or a wake up call to revisit their previous plans for growth.
Members leave a PathNorth Experience refreshed, inspired and more inwardly aware. “Our hope is that people return to work the next day inspired to take one or two specific steps in their larger development – the meetings provide a needed disruptive experience to get people to look at their lives through a different lens,” Holladay said.

Walker left the 2016 Annual Gathering with a great appreciation for the views and friendships he found at the meeting. “PathNorth has attracted an array of wonderful people who I truly enjoyed meeting and spending my time with,” Walker commented. “From the speakers to the participants, everyone felt sincere and genuine in their approach to the gathering.” This level of sincerity will undoubtedly carry the organization forward on the path to future success.

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