May 16, 2022

Joe Knows: 2021 STH-5 Grand Prize Winner

May 16, 2022

Joe Knows: 2021 STH-5 Grand Prize Winner

Regardless of role or location, Jet Linx encourages all team members to live by the Company’s five core values: selflessness, dedication, compassion, integrity and enthusiasm.

The Supply the High 5 (STH-5) Recognition Program allows any team member to be nominated for outstanding demonstrations of these values in their work for Jet Linx. Monthly winners are selected based on a vote from the Supply the High committee, with an annual award winner selected from among all monthly winners.

“I repeat this every year, but presenting this award truly is my favorite duty. It represents the fabric that binds us together at Jet Linx, and there’s nothing better than seeing our Company values alive, making a true difference for each other and our clients. We’re never at a loss for team members to celebrate,” Jamie Walker, President and CEO, said at the Grand Prize ceremony on February 17, 2022.

In 2021, 462 nominations were made (130 more nominations than 2020), with 43 monthly winners representing 50 team members across the Company.

The 2021 STH-5 Grand Prize winner, Joe Packard, Base Chief Pilot for Dallas/Fort Worth, was nominated for displaying dedication, compassion, enthusiasm and selflessness. Packard’s winning nomination stems from his willingness to help a new pilot hire during INDOC training – all while Packard was a new Jet Linx pilot himself. Without hesitation, Packard took the new hire under his wing and spent countless hours helping to teach the operational differences between a Lear 45 and Lear 75.

“Joe took it upon himself to study with the new pilot each night after our all-day training sessions. During recurrent training, Joe once again offered additional assistance to this new hire pilot during simulation training. Joe’s display of selflessness and dedication helped the entire group of pilots, not only the individual pilot he assisted. This is also why Joe quickly came into a leadership role – because of his demonstration of our core values,” said Michael Kopp, Jet Linx Director of Operations.

While Packard was nominated more than once in 2021, his winning nomination came only two weeks into his time with Jet Linx, before he had even flown a single leg as a member of the Jet Linx team.

Packard has frequently gone above and beyond, even spotted on his days off spending time to offer additional cleaning to the local hangar, scrubbing the floors to ensure the best possible experience for Jet Linx clients.

“Joe acts as a consummate leader and expects no accolades or praise for going above and beyond. On top of handling daily operations around the Dallas and Fort Worth Bases, he’s also one of the highest-flying pilots each month for those locations. He’s often seen at both Bases in the same day, which are a considerable distance from one another,” explained John Foley, Jet Linx System Chief Pilot. “He wants to connect and support his team face-to-face.”

Packard, who began flying in 1999 with U.S. Airways on a Boeing 737, has been with Jet Linx since March of 2021. When asked what he would do with the prize, he revealed that he would be cashing in the winnings and donating them to Shriner’s Hospital.

“I am grateful to Jet Linx for recognizing my service and those others who have gone above and beyond to serve. I believe that success comes from giving, and that’s why I love being a part of Jet Linx. We are all family, and we have a responsibility to take care of one another. If we do that, we can be successful – and that’s why we are successful,” Packard said.

Congratulations, Joe, and thank you for helping Jet Linx soar!

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