July 8, 2015

New Space for Jet Linx San Antonio Private Jet Base

July 08, 2015

New Space for Jet Linx San Antonio Private Jet Base

charter-jet-san-antonio-private-terminal-2Remodeling at Jet Linx San Antonio has our private jet crew saying, “There’s no place like home!”

After six weeks away from their main office, the team is glad to be back – and proud to share their updated digs with clients and the San Antonio community. A small office at the hangar allowed Client Services Specialists Shannon Askins and Sarah Keith to meet passengers onsite during the renovation, but the team mostly worked together out of an unlikely office: poolside at Base Partner and President Tom Northington’s backyard casita.

“It was different, brainstorming with the crew while watching kids play in the yard,” Northington admitted. His casita provided an office for Askins, Keith and Eric Love, Jet Linx San Antonio Vice President of Sales. “We had a great view of the pool from the casita,” Love added. “I had the pleasure of using Tom’s guest house to sleep, so my commute with traffic was about 30 steps. The only downside was no Starbucks on the way to the office,” he laughed. The team occasionally held meetings at a nearby Starbucks for a change of pace, and so Love was able to get his caffeine fix.

private-jet-san-antonio-team-hangar-4The temporary location brought a few unexpected perks to the team. “It was fun to see our boss not only in work mode, but family man mode as well,” Keith said. Askins agreed, adding, “Tom’s wife brought us homemade breakfast goods.”

The group remained focused on providing Jet Linx’s signature high-touch service to clients and owners, even with the unorthodox surroundings. “My favorite part of my role is definitely working with our clients,” Keith said. “Regardless if it’s a meet and greet before or after a trip or a friendly phone call, the relationships we’ve built with each and every client are ones to be proud of.”

Each member of the team takes pride in building the Base, founded in 2011. Askins, who has been at the San Antonio Base for nearly three years, said, “My goal is to ensure smooth daily operations.” Love, with the team for a year, focuses on “building sustainable relationships.” It’s only natural that Northington takes a broader view. His favorite part of his role as Base Partner and President? “Watching a small base grow into a large base,” he declared. “Through 2014, we doubled our membership, and we have plans to grow even more through 2015.”

The team at Jet Linx San Antonio has grown in response to the additional clients. Askins now serves as a lead Client Services Specialist, assisting Northington, as well as Keith and the group’s newest addition, Client Services Specialist Alyssa Rose. With the additional space provided by the remodel, more members of the team have private offices. “Everything is right where we want it, and we have the opportunity to grow when we come to that point,” Northington said.

Visitors to Jet Linx San Antonio are quick to comment on how much they love the new look. “Clients have made many compliments about the new changes and expressed how much they love it,” exclaimed Rose. “I love the new layout and all the new additions that came along with it.” “The new covered porte-cochere and lobby have been a refreshing improvement and our guests are impressed with the changes. The old space wasn’t as inviting and open as our new remodel,” Love said. “The expansion of the conference room and the main lobby will allow our guests to experience Jet Linx San Antonio in a whole new light.” Askins agreed that the remodel was needed, calling the earlier space “awkward and outdated.” She’s excited to call the new office home, because of the benefits it will bring to clients. “Our new space makes a bigger impact on clients; they tell us it’s now an inviting, comfortable space,” she said. “We can actually utilize this space,” Keith added.

The updates to home base include finishes special to San Antonio. Western art, spurs, and deer head mounts make the location distinct, while it pays homage to other Jet Linx cities in another way. “We wanted to highlight the other Jet Linx bases, and their pictures are on display in our conference room,” Love explained. Technological touches help the office run smoothly. “In our lobby we now have a live feed that shares a view of the ramp and taxiway,” Askins said. “We also have another monitor hanging in our lobby that tracks all Jet Linx flights.”

With a fresh, inviting space and operations as usual once again, the team is back in the saddle at Jet Linx San Antonio.

Pictured above, L-R: Alyssa Rose, Shannon Askins, Tom Northington, Sarah Keith.

This article was originally published in the Spring 2015 issue of SOAR Magazine – available online now.

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