July 30, 2015

RAGBRAI 2015 with Jet Linx Private Jets

July 30, 2015

RAGBRAI 2015 with Jet Linx Private Jets


charter-jet-denny-walker-ragbrai-2015Jet Linx founder and chairman Denny Walker(pictured at right, without helmet)

Walker and his friends (below, in red helmet) began the route in Sioux City and crossed anywhere from 58 to 76 miles per day, enjoying the camaraderie of the ride along the route. “The ride includes young and old, fit and non-fit. With RAGBRAI you win by just participating. It’s not a competition, it’s a challenge, and it’s worth it every year,” he said.

The 400-plus mile ride always begins on Iowa’s western border and crosses the state horizontally, ending in the Mississippi River. This allows riders to avoid headwinds, as prevailing winds during RAGBRAI are normally from the southwest, and keeps the sun out of riders’ eyes in the mid-afternoon.

private-jet-denny-walker-ragbrai-2015RAGBRAI started in 1973 as a challenge between Des Moines Register feature writer/copy editor John Karras and DC-based columnist Don Kaul. An estimated 300 people began the ride in Sioux City, with 114 finishing the first year. Since then, the ride has grown tremendously in popularity, with week-long riders limited to 10,000. More sign up for single-day registration, and a few ride along without official enrollment. Fees from enrollment cover the event’s expenses and provide financial support to the communities that host RAGBRAI riders overnight. Any additional funds are donated to approximately 20 charities on behalf of RAGBRAI, Des Moines Register Media and the Gannett Foundation.

Read more about Jet Linx’s involvement with RAGBRAI in the Fall 2014 issue of SOAR Magazine, online here.

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