November 3, 2017

Why I Fly – Dan Dill, Jet Linx Dallas

November 03, 2017

Why I Fly – Dan Dill, Jet Linx Dallas

It’s often said, “Ask any pilot how they started flying, and you will hear a love story.” Meet Jet Linx Dallas Base Chief Pilot Dan Dill and find out how he discovered his passion for flying.

My early aviation experience was from across a pasture as a small boy. My dad was an Electrician and we had a farm near our local airport in Alabama. I frequently could be found washing aircraft in exchange for rides and training. I worked at the A&P to earn money for lessons that often would only last 30 minutes. Regardless, I was hooked, and by the time I was 16, I was ready to fly solo.

When college came along, I was off to Daytona Beach to attend Embry Riddle where I gained my flight ratings. After some time as an Instructor there, I received a letter from the President of the United States drafting me into the services of the United States Army. I became a Warrant Officer and Pilot and flew the Grumman Mohawk in Vietnam and Thailand.

After the service, I flew for several Corporate flight departments where I served as a Chief Pilot and Director. I have had the opportunity to fly frequent international trips to Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Now, I have been with Jet Linx for seven and a half years, since the opening of our Dallas Base. I currently serve as the Chief Pilot for our Texas Bases and am the Check Airman on the G200 and Citation XL. This is my 50th year as a Commercial Rated Pilot, making me eligible for the Wilbur and Orville Wright Award.

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