August 14, 2017

My Home Base – Alyssa Blakely, Jet Linx National Operations Center

August 14, 2017

My Home Base – Alyssa Blakely, Jet Linx National Operations Center

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Alyssa Blakely, Jet Linx Accountant.

Favorite part of your job: The amazing people I get to work with!

Describe the Jet Linx team in one word: Exciting.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: We had an Accounting team outing where I had the chance to try a flight simulator. It was fun having the opportunity to be a pilot! It gave me more appreciation and insight on everything that they do, especially Jet Linx pilots!

Favorite thing about Omaha: The Henry Doorly Zoo!

Little known fact about yourself, or favorite hobby: I have donated my hair four times since I was a teenager.

What might someone find surprising about your job: It is very fast-paced – every day brings new challenges and new solutions! Solving problems is definitely a huge part of the job.

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