April 10, 2017

My Home Base – Jeremy Parks, Jet Linx National Operations Center

April 10, 2017

My Home Base – Jeremy Parks, Jet Linx National Operations Center

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Jeremy Parks, Jet Linx Director of Information Technology.

Favorite part of your job: Finding new and inventive ways for Jet Linx to use technology to solve problems and streamline processes.

Describe the Jet Linx team in one word: Agile.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: When the teamed moved into our new National Operations Center in 2015 – my team worked extremely hard and because of that we were able to ensure a seamless transition for the NOC team during peak travel season. That experience really showed how dedicated we are to working as a team so we can consistently provide the best services.

Favorite thing about Omaha: My neighborhood – Benson has great restaurants and nightlife. Not to brag, but it was rated one the top 15 “hippest” neighborhoods in the USA in 2015! I would encourage everyone to venture to that part of town while in Omaha.

Little known fact about yourself, or favorite hobby: I have a little farm in the city with two garden plots and a flock of chickens.

What might someone find surprising about your job: Even though I work in IT, I have a strong background in aviation. I actually started in the field as a Flight Coordinator.

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