August 29, 2016

My Home Base – Mark Solomon, Jet Linx Houston

August 29, 2016

My Home Base – Mark Solomon, Jet Linx Houston

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Mark Solomon, Jet Linx Houston Director of Jet Card Sales.

Favorite part of your job: Providing feasible time saving and time sensitive solutions through guaranteed aircraft availability, that allows executives and corporate teams to safely and effectively meet their business travel demands.

Describe the Jet Linx experience/team in one word: Reliable-making sure that our aircraft owners and jet card clients can count on us, anywhere, anytime, all the time

Favorite thing in Houston: Undeniable Southern hospitality

What might someone find surprising about your job: It’s not all champagne and caviar, just some of the time.

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