February 9, 2023

My Home Base – Brianna Fleek, Jet Linx National Operations Center

February 09, 2023

My Home Base – Brianna Fleek, Jet Linx National Operations Center

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Brianna Fleek, Jet Linx Crew Coordinator.

Favorite part of your job: Meeting all of the crew members who come to the NOC for new hire orientation, and seeing everyone who comes back once a year for recurrent training.

Describe the Jet Linx team or experience in one word: Inspirational.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: It’s sort of an everyday experience, but I enjoy how everyone on my team and in Flight Operations work together. If we run into a problem, we solve it together and find a way to make each other laugh to ease the stress!

Little known fact about yourself, or favorite hobby: I teach Irish Dance.

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