January 21, 2019

My Home Base – Danielle Patterson, Jet Linx National Operations Center

January 21, 2019

My Home Base – Danielle Patterson, Jet Linx National Operations Center

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Danielle Patterson, Jet Linx Charter Support Specialist.

Favorite part of your job: Being a part of the daily operations at Jet Linx.

Describe the Jet Linx team in one word: Dedicated.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: Celebrating Jet Linx reaching 100 aircraft in our fleet in 2017. It was a huge milestone and having the opportunity to be a part of it was amazing.

Favorite thing about Omaha: My favorite thing about Omaha is the College World Series every summer – and all of the fun events that come with it.

Little known fact about yourself, or favorite hobby: I love being on the water, and spending time with my three kids and husband!

What might someone find surprising about your job: The dedication and teamwork that we have on the Charter team – and throughout the entire company. It truly makes a difference when you work alongside individuals who all share the same drive and positive work ethic. I am proud to be a part of the Jet Linx team!

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