June 13, 2022

My Home Base – Jennifer Howe, Jet Linx National Operations Center

June 13, 2022

My Home Base – Jennifer Howe, Jet Linx National Operations Center

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Jennifer Howe, Jet Linx Payroll Accountant.

Favorite part of your job: I love everything I get to do, but my favorite part is helping our team members work through any questions they have. I enjoy being able to help others learn something new!

Describe the Jet Linx experience/team in one word: “Supply the High 5”! Jet Linx is hands down the best company I have worked for. The team truly lives by that mantra and our core values when it comes to both clients and other team members.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: All of the employee appreciation events and gestures that Jet Linx does.

Favorite thing about Omaha: The Old Market and the zoo.

Little known fact about yourself, or favorite hobby: I worked in private aviation about 20 years ago as a front desk greeter! It’s been super fun being back in aviation, but on a different side of operations now.

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