April 11, 2016

My Home Base: Seth Hunt, Jet Linx Omaha

April 11, 2016

My Home Base: Seth Hunt, Jet Linx Omaha

In each edition of My Home Base, we feature a member of the Jet Linx team from across the country and showcase what they feel makes their Jet Linx location and their city special. In this edition, meet Seth Hunt, Jet Linx Omaha Client Services Representative.

Favorite part of your job: Working around our aircraft and meeting aircraft owners and jet card clients.

Describe the Jet Linx experience/team in one word: Committed.

Favorite Jet Linx memory or experience: Any time we have new passengers experiencing private jet travel for the first time and the look of excitement on their faces! It really is the way to travel!

Favorite thing about Omaha: Steaks and College World Series!

Little known fact about yourself: I graduate from the Aviation Institute at the University of Nebraska at Omaha this May and I am excited to start my professional pilot career!

What might someone find surprising about your job? Working flights as late as 2AM or early as 5AM is not as bad or tiring as one may think. Watching the aircraft race down the runway and lift off knowing that you played a role in the whole operation is very rewarding!

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