March 10, 2017

Washington Life Honors Molly Brady, Jet Linx D.C. Director of Jet Card Sales

March 10, 2017

Washington Life Honors Molly Brady, Jet Linx D.C. Director of Jet Card Sales

The DC-based magazine Washington Life recently published their 2017 Young and the Guest List, recognizing professionals under the age of 40 who are power players in their career fields. Jet Linx DC’s very own Molly Brady was one of the individuals recognized on the list for her accomplishments as a men custom clothier and Jet Linx Director of Jet Card Sales – also being featured on the cover of the magazine with a group of athletes and other aspiring businesswomen.

Molly Brady (far left) pictured in the issue 

“Jet Linx partnered with Washington Life to help promote our brand in the DC area – they have supported Jet Linx DC and my career success from day one,” said Brady who was informed she was being recognized in the issue just a week before the publication. “I felt incredibly honored to be a part of such a small group of influencers. This recognition proves all the hard work I’ve been doing over the last 12 years in DC has really paid off.”

Brady attributes a lot of her success in the private aviation industry to having a background in the luxury market of selling men’s custom suits. “I pride myself in building relationships with the top movers and shakers in the city,” explained Brady. “Being Director of Jet Card Sales is the complete opposite of a 9 to 5 office job. I enjoy meeting new faces, holding meetings at the hottest new restaurants, and figuring out how I can help our prospects with their private travel needs.”

Brady just celebrated her one year anniversary with Jet Linx DC, and has had a successful year helping the Base grow in both Jet Card clients and aircraft. You can check out the issue of Washington Life and read it online here.

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